Andino Rapé - Chakra Openings



Andino Rapé

This special rapé comes from our friends in Brazil that have spent many years studying and apprenticing with the master rapé makers of the indigenous tribes, and they are now sharing their own medicine.  Some of the ingredients in this magical rapé include Palo Santo, Cacao, Ajo Sacha, and Sanango.

It is a very euphoric rapé that is a delight to the senses.  You can feel the magic of the Palo Santo in this rapé as it works to clear the subtle dense energies of the body while transmuting them into supporting and loving energies that uplift the spirit.  This rapé can also assist in connecting with your intuition.  It works primarly on the third eye and heart chakras helping foster the connection between the physical and etheric, as well as love and creativity.   The Andes mountains are the largest mountain range in the world, and that strength is embodied in this blend, bringing with it the mystery and connection with the energy of the eagle and the condor.

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