White Rose Rapé - Chakra Openings



White Rose Rapé

This rapé is made by the one of the top rapé masters from the Nukini Tribe in Brazil, however, it is not a traditional rapé.  It is a calming aromatic rapé made with tsunu ash and white roses, and is a beautiful feminine blend.  Upon application, you can really smell the delightful aroma of the roses. White roses are traditionally used in Brazil for herbal baths, and for their calming and aura cleansing properties. Roses are known to be anti-inflammatory, analgesic, calming, and can also boost heart health.  As such, this rapé works primarly on the heart chakra.  It can help one learn to love him or herself more, in addition to opening themselves up to allow more love into their lives.  This rapé calms the mind, brings peace to the spirit, and comforts the heart.  White roses are related to the feminine, the force of the queen of the sea.  Feminine energy doesn't mean weak, it's strong, but soft.

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