Amazonian Mint Rapé - Chakra Openings



Amazonian Mint Rapé

This rapé is made by the Kuntanawa Tribe in Brazil.  It is a very special and aromatic rapé that has become one of our absolute favorites. It is made with ashes from the Sapota tree in addition to Amazonian Mint.  This rapé is truly a delight to the senses! Upon application, the refreshing mint makes you feel invigorated and uplifted, with a nice calming effect at the same time.  It is a very versatile rape with many different applications.  It can bring one into a state of calm, particularly in the mind, but the effects are also noticeable in the body as well.  It can be used for relaxation and anxiety.  Also, it is very useful for respiratory problems and sinus congestion.  In addition, it can also help with stomach discomfort and nausea.  It is also a great rapé to use for calling in what you would like to attract into your life.  Your thoughts are powerful and this blend will magnify them.  It’s a great one for morning meditation, or any time of the day you want to align, awaken, and center.  We highly recommend this blend!

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